Savings Rates

Rates effective


This Rate and Fee Schedule sets forth certain conditions, rates, fees and charges applicable to your deposit accounts at the Credit Union at this time. The Credit Union may offer other rates and fees or amend the rates and fees contained in this schedule from time to time. Each account holder agrees to the terms set forth on this Rate and Fee Schedule and acknowledges that it is a part of the Membership and Account Agreement.


Truth-in-Savings Account Disclosures

Regular Share Savings Account

Minimum Daily BalanceDividend RateAPY*
Account balance under $100.000.00%0.00%
Account balance under $5,000.000.05%0.05%
Account balance $5,000.00 to $39,999.990.05%0.05%
Account balance $40,000.00 and over0.05%0.05%
Compounded and Paid Quarterly
Variable Rate
Minimum Daily Balance $100
** Account transfer limitations apply

Youth Savings Account

Minimum Daily BalanceDividend RateAPY*
Account balance under $100.000.00%0.00%
Account balance under $5,000.000.02%0.02%
Account balance $5,000.00 to $39,999.990.05%0.05%
Account balance $40,000.00 and over0.07%0.07%
Compounded and Paid Quarterly
Variable Rate
Minimum Balance of $25.00 to open account.
Minimum Daily Balance of $100 to earn stated APY*.
The Youth Savings Account will be converted to a regular share account at age 16.

Share Draft Account

Minimum Daily BalanceDividend RateAPY*
No minimum balance. No fees.

Business Share Draft Account

Minimum Daily BalanceDividend RateAPY*
No minimum balance. Monthly fees $20.00.

Term Share Account (6 Months)

Minimum Daily BalanceDividend RateAPY*
No transactions allowed. Will automatically renew and dividends will not be paid after maturity. Early withdrawal subject to penalty of six months dividends. Fixed Rate. Compounded and paid quarterly.

Term Share Account (12 Months)

Minimum Daily BalanceDividend RateAPY*
No transactions allowed. Will automatically renew and dividends will not be paid after maturity. Early withdrawal subject to penalty of six months dividends. Fixed Rate. Compounded and paid quarterly.

Term Share Account (18 Months)

Minimum Daily BalanceDividend RateAPY*
No transactions allowed. Will automatically renew and dividends will not be paid after maturity. Early withdrawal subject to penalty of six months dividends. Fixed Rate. Compounded and paid quarterly.

Term Share Account (24 Months)

Minimum Daily BalanceDividend RateAPY*
No transactions allowed. Will automatically renew and dividends will not be paid after maturity. Early withdrawal subject to penalty of six months dividends. Fixed Rate. Compounded and paid quarterly.

Term Share Account (30 Months)

Minimum Daily BalanceDividend RateAPY*
No transactions allowed. Will automatically renew and dividends will not be paid after maturity. Early withdrawal subject to penalty of six months dividends. Fixed Rate. Compounded and paid quarterly.

Term Share Account (36 Months)

Minimum Daily BalanceDividend RateAPY*
No transactions allowed. Will automatically renew and dividends will not be paid after maturity. Early withdrawal subject to penalty of six months dividends. Fixed Rate. Compounded and paid quarterly.

Share IRA Account Traditional, Roth and Education

Minimum Daily BalanceDividend RateAPY*
No minimum balance. No fees. Variable Rate. Compounds and paid quarterly. Contributions and withdrawals subject to IRA Rules.

Share Holiday Club

Minimum Daily BalanceDividend RateAPY*
No minimum balance. No fees.
No withdrawals until maturity. Term from Oct 1 to Sept 30. Early withdrawal subject to loss of dividends. Variable Rate. Compounded and paid quarterly.

Share Vacation Club

Minimum Daily BalanceDividend RateAPY*
No minimum balance. No fees.
No withdrawals until maturity. Term from Jul 1 to Jun 30. Early withdrawal subject to loss of dividends. Variable Rate. Compounded and paid quarterly.

Except as specifically described, the following disclosures apply to all of the accounts.

  1. Variable Rate Information: The Dividend Rate and Annual Percentage Yield on your accounts are set forth above. The Dividend Rate and Annual Percentage Yield may change monthly as determined by the Board of Directors. There is no limit to the amount of change in the dividend rate from period to period.
  2. Nature of Dividends: Dividends are paid from current income and available earnings after required transfers to reserves at the end of the dividend period. The Dividend Rate and Annual Percentage Yield are the prospective rates and yields that the Credit Union anticipates paying for the applicable dividend period. The par value of a share is $100.00.
  3. Compounding and Crediting: Dividends will be compounded and credited as set forth above. The Dividend period for all accounts is quarterly beginning on the first calendar day of January, April, July and October of each year and ending on the last calendar day of the following third month. Dividends will be credited on the last day of the quarter in which they were earned. All APY* quotations assume that dividends are re-invested at the stated rate. Early withdrawal of dividends will lower the APY*.
  4. Accrual of Dividends: Dividends will begin to accrue on all deposits (both cash and non-cash) on the business day you make the deposit to your account. If you close your account, accrued dividends will be paid.
  5. Balance Information: The minimum balance required to open each account is set forth above. The minimum monthly balance required to avoid a service fee is set forth above. Dividends are calculated by the daily balance method which applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day.
  6. Account Limitations: The account limitations for each account are set forth above.

* APY means Annual Percentage Yield.

**Account Transfer Limitations: You may make up to six (6) preauthorized, automatic, telephonic, or audio response transfers to another account of yours or to a third party during any calendar month. Of these six, you may make no more than three (3) transfers to a third party by check or debit card. If you exceed these limitations, we may refuse or reverse a transfer and may assess fees against, suspend or close your account.

Your savings is federally insured to at least $250,000.00 by the NCUA (National Credit Union Administration), a U.S. Government Agency.